Fulbright Seminarium med Professor Irene Calboli

Fulbright Seminar
(Legal) Certifications as Tools to Promote Sustainable Development

Välkommen på Fulbright seminarium med Professor Irene Calboli!

Seminaret hålls på engelska och är öppet för alla Hanken alumner, studeranden, personal och partners. 

Hanken School of Economics will host a seminar with Professor Irene Calboli on Monday 30 May 2022  9.00-10.00 (Helsinki time) in auditorium A309. A small breakfast will be served prior to the seminar at 8.30 a.m.

Professor Irene Calboli from Texas A&M University School of Law is visiting Hanken as a Hanken-Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Business and Economics until 10 July 2022.

Professor Calboli will address the topic of certifications, including certification marks and geographical indications, and their ability to increase transparency along the supply chain and promote sustainable development. As a part of her presentation, Professor Calboli will discuss the challenges of developing and consistently applying and controlling certification protocols as well as the tendency of some actors to overemphasize “sustainable” standards for marketing purposes. Professor Calboli is currently doing research in Finland which is one of few countries participating in the Sustainable Brand Index project, and she will report on her findings in addition to her extensive work on trademarks and geographical indications in the EU, North America, and developing countries in Asia.

More information on Professor Calboli can be found here. Opens in new window


08.30-9.00 Coffee and mingle
09.00-10.00 Presentation and discussion

The seminar will be held in EnglishThe seminar is free of charge and is open for Hanken alumni, students, staff and corporate partners to register by 23 May.

Please register here Opens in new window  for the seminar.