
The Master's Programme in provides you with a distinct competitive edge in today’s global financial markets.

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Financial markets have become turbulent and face increasing regulatory pressures today. The diversity and complexity of financial contracts and financial reporting – be it for corporate world or investment management applications – require specialised in-depth knowledge of financial theory, coupled with sound accounting principles.

Our master's programme in Finance develops the necessary skills for you to pursue a successful career in investment management or corporate financial management.

During your studies you will focus on the aforementioned core areas and developing key competencies such as:

  • a solid understanding of fundamental theories in financial economics
  • learning how financial markets function and how they influence the allocation of resources in a global economy
  • knowledge and skills in asset valuation, pricing and management of risk, wealth management, derivative pricing, and corporate finance
  • the strong analytical and communicative skills necessary for business, as well as academic careers. You will also develop research skills essential for students pursuing doctoral level studies.
  • an understanding of sustainability and ethical behaviour


Master's Programme in a nutshell

  • 120 credits, 2 years of full-time study
  • Language: English
  • Degree: MSc in Economics and Business Administration
  • Location: Helsinki

QTEM certificate

As a student of the Master's Programme in Finance you also have the opportunity to top up your degree with the QTEM certificate (Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Management). This is your opportunity to earn a degree within a network of leading business schools and corporate partners. All partners are committed to developing global talent with strong quantitative competencies, analytical skills, international and intercultural experience, and management potential.