
Learn about library's services that facilitate publishing at Hanken.

Here we present services that facilitate publishing at Hanken. You can find information about how to publish:

  • in Hanken's publication series
  • a doctoral thesis
  • open access.

Information about how to register your publications in the research database Haris and about research data management (RDM) and open data is found under the heading For Researchers Opens in new window .

Hanken has three series of publications which are published mainly in the institutional repository DHanken Opens in new window :

  • Economics and Society Opens in new window ISSN 0424-7256, 2242-699X
    Doctoral theses
    For detailed instructions on how to publish a PhD thesis see below under the heading Publish Doctoral Theses.
  • Research Reports Opens in new window ISSN 0424-7256, 2242-699X
    Monographs written by researchers and teachers at Hanken.
    In this series, persons affiliated with Hanken can present current research, such as results from ended research projects, not intended to be published elsewhere.
    An author who wants to publish in the series sends the manuscript to the editor or the publication secretary. The editor asks for opinions from at least two merited researchers in the research field. An external researcher is paid a licentiate theses peer review remuneration.
    Please contact editor Professor Peter Björk for questions about publishing in this series.
  • Working Papers Opens in new window  ISSN 0357-4598
    Short reports about current research.
    In this series results from and discussions about on-going research are published. It can be articles or shorter manuscripts that will be published elsewhere after taking into account the feedback and discussion they raised and therefore there is no copyright restrictions preventing re-publishing. The series do not use traditional peer review, but the manuscript is reviewed by the editor and a researcher affiliated with Hanken.
    A manuscript ready for online publishing (DOCX or PDF) and an expert report is sent to the editor or the publication secretary. There is no Word template for the series, but an abstract describing the content and the main results should be included.
    Please contact editor Professor Peter Björk for questions about publishing in this series.


Other types of publications are also distributed in the repository DHanken:


The research at Hanken is presented in the Haris research portal Opens in new window .

Each doctoral graduate at Hanken may publish their thesis in the Economics and Society series.

If you choose to do so, you need to:

  • follow our instructions
  • sign an agreement permitting electronic archival, publication and distribution on the School's website.

Hanken funds a limited number of physical copies, of which the author gets a maximum of 25 and the department a maximum of 25 for the public defence. The electronic version will be freely available for download and printing in Hanken’s institutional repository Dhanken.

If you choose not to publish your thesis through Hanken, you are still expected to provide 40 copies to the School at least 10 days before the public defence.

How to get your dissertation published

Note that it is the doctoral student’s obligation to proofread and correct the manuscript throughout the whole publishing process.

1. Before you submit your thesis manuscript for pre-examination

If you are in the beginning of writing your thesis, you should use Hanken's formatting guide for editing the text. The formatting guide contains advice for how to layout according to Hanken's guidelines. We recommend that you check the guidelines well in advance and apply them, at the latest when you prepare your manuscript for pre-examination. For questions on formatting contact

In manuscripts written in programs such as Scientific Workplace or LaTeX, the template is only used for the title page and the preface. For other parts, please follow these instructions:

information_concerning_fonts_and_margins_in_the_hanken_phd_theses.pdf Opens in new window

Remember to:

  • Ask for the co-authors’ approval if you are including any co-authored articles.
  • Ensure that you have the publisher’s permission to include published or forthcoming articles in both the printed book and the electronic version in DHanken.
  • Check the copyright of possible photographs, figures, etc. that you plan to include in your thesis.

See "Author reuse permission Opens in new window " in the LibGuide on Copyright.

Contact for any questions and help you might need.

2. When you apply for permission for public examination

Since your thesis must be ready 10 days before the date of the public defence you must send the following materials to no later than six weeks before the public defence:

  • the manuscript in Word (articles can be in pdf)
  • a signed publication agreement in duplicate
  • information about the public defence (time, place)
  • the back cover text as a Word file, appr. 400 words
  • an order for additional copies at your own expense, if needed
  • your invoice address for additional copies and corrections.

We will inspect the manuscript, give it an ISBN and send it to the printing house.

The first proof version will be sent to you by email and we expect you to proofread it as soon as possible. The first proof version that the printing house produces is paid by Hanken. After this point, the doctoral student will be charged for all corrections and additional proofs made. All colour printing is also paid by the doctoral student.

Smaller corrections that do not affect page numbering can be sent to in an email. Extensive corrections should be done in the original manuscript (Word) and listed in the email with reference to the page numbers.

The final draft must be approved both by the doctoral student and us no later than three weeks before the date of the public defence.

The printed books are delivered to Hanken and we will inform you when you can pick up your personal copies. Copies for the public defence are delivered to the department. The university registrar sends a copy to the opponent. The dissertations can be read electronically on iPads in Hanken in both Helsinki and Vaasa.

The electronic version is made available also in DHanken Opens in new window ten days before the public defence.

Also see more information about the process of pre-examining of doctoral theses and about the official defense Opens in new window on the PhD Programme pages.

Why publish open access?

Benefits of open access publishing include that:

  • OA gives increased visibility, which leads to more downloads, more reads, more citations and more impact.
  • Publicly financed research is available also to business life and the general public, and can thereby drive cooperation and innovation.
  • OA contributes to global equality by making it possible to access research also by readers in developing countries with limited resources to licensed databases.
  • Research funders require research results to be publicly available.

Hanken promotes open access

To promote open science, Hanken has adopted Guidelines for open science and research at Hanken Opens in new window  (2021). To promote open science and to improve the visibility and impact of your research, it is strongly recommended that you consider open access options right from the beginning of your research, and prioritize:

As a Hanken researcher, you are entitled to different open access opportunities, for example, using the discounts on APCs Opens in new window and applying for Hanken’s central fund for APCs Opens in new window .

More information on open access, see the LibGuide on Open access Opens in new window . See also Open access options and opportunities at Hanken Opens in new window  in the LibGuide on Open science.

The publication process, printing house contacts

The Communications dpt

Self-archiving, open access publishing

Editor of Hanken's publication series

Peter Björk
+358 (0)40 3521 723

Editorial board

Hanken's Research Council acts as the editorial board.