QTEM Certificate
The QTEM students receive their QTEM certificate once they have graduated from Hanken with a master's degree and completed all the parts of the QTEM program.
Receiving the QTEM certificate
The requirements for receiving the QTEM certificate according to Track Z after you have applied and been selected for the QTEM Programme are:
- You have graduated from Hanken with a master’s degree
- You have been on a QTEM exchange of which at least 22 ECTS have been completed in quantitative or semi-quantitative subjects
- You have completed a 240 hours internship on master level with analytical tasks
- You have completed the QTEM Data Challenge courses and global group work project
- Your completed studies consists of at least 50% ECTS in quantitative or semi-quantitative subjects
- You have chosen at least one module to show on your QTEM certificate
For detailed descriptions on requirements for delivering of QTEM certificate please read the Student Engagement Document, that has been sent and signed by you as part of the acceptance to the QTEM network.
Information about the annual graduation ceremony is sent to students that are close to graduation the same year.