Hankens flaggor vajar i vinden mot en blå himmel med lite moln.
Opening hours of Hanken and different service units in Helsinki and Vaasa during summer 2024.
OMslaget av boken Moomin Magagement med olika figurer från Mumindalen.
A brand new Moomin book is set to release in September. However, this book focuses less on the events in the Moominvalley and more on the business and managing the ecosystem of companies with Moomin Characters at its core. Generosity is highlighted as a key management practice.
From 2025, universities will have nine national entrance exams, which will allow applicants to apply for a wide range of different subjects and universities. At the same time, the timetable for the entrance exams will be relaxed so that those selected by certificate-based admissions will no longer have to prepare for and take the entrance exams.
Människor samlade till en middag på Hanken
Hanken School of Economics invited donors and representatives from Hanken’s partner companies to the university on Wednesday May 29 as an expression of gratitude and a celebration of successful collaborations.