News Archive

During the upgrade it is not possible to renew loans, see one´s loans, reserve material or log in in search service Hanna.
The last issue of the year of the Hanken magazine is now available electronically on Hanken's webpage.
Here is a list of Hanken's opening hours in both Vaasa and Helsinki during Christmas and New Year holidays.
The President of Finland has decided to reward four employees at Hanken for their efforts at Hanken and the university field in general in Finland.
Hanken has been ranked 81st in Financial Times' ranking of the best business schools in Europe. In total, 90 schools are included on the list.
The application period for master's degree programmes in English at Hanken is 1 December 2016; 18 January 2017.
Guy Ahonen, who is an associated researcher at Hanken, has together with Ossi Aura, Tomi Hussi and Juhani Ilmarinen published their 6th report on Strategic well-being (SW) management in Finland.
On 25 November the new GODESS research institute was launched. GODESS stands for Gender, Organisation, Diversity, Equality and Social Sustainability in Transnational Times.
Helsinki Challenge, the science-based idea competition, creates solutions for the grand challenges of the world and for building the well-being of the future through collaboration between the scientific community and society.
The library organizes short courses in the reference manager program RefWorks.
Rector has decided upon the admissions results for the Hanken PhD Programme on 11 November 2016.
Are you interested in applying for one of our Master's programme? Then you should visit our new application portal.
The Swedish Assembly of Finland annually awards medals to persons, who have promoted the Swedish speaking population and culture.
PhD Janne Tienari has been appointed Professor of Management and Organisation at Hanken School of Economics.
The third issue of the year of the Hanken magazine is now available electronically on Hanken's webpage.
The HUMLOG Institute (a division of Hanken School of Economics) and UNHCR have signed a Project Partnership Agreement.
In November and December we will offer courses in Office365, Office2016 and Windows 10
Nokia Distinguished Chair is 2016-2017 held by Professor Carol Tenopir from University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Are you an active student who in your spare time is engaged in various projects, hobbies or even entrepreneurship?
Helsinki Challenge is an idea competition where solutions for the great challenges of the world and future well-being are solved.