News Archive

Join us for a guided tour October 4th at 16.00!
Hanken's own data security guru Linus Nyman lectured about cyber security and basic data security on 25 August.
The library organizes short courses in RefWorks, information search, EIKON, Capital IQ and Westlaw.
Deadline for applications is Monday 2 October 2017.
Professor Srinivas Talluri from Michigan State University in East Lansing is visiting Hanken as a Fulbright scholar until the end of September.
Hanken’s revised strategy is now published online. We have also released a video and an illustration to make the strategy more clear.
Hanken’s revised strategy sets out the school’s strategic targets for the year 2025.
Open Access (OA) is becoming a norm in scholarly publishing. What does the funding organisations require? Has Hanken reached its goal for OA publishing? Open access as a new criteria for the publication awards at Hanken.
Students from all higher education institutions in Vaasa participate in opening the academic year 2017-2018 at Vaasa square on 7 September at 2 p.m. Hanken students in Vaasa are warmly invited to take part in this event!
Hanken renews the admission to the BSc programme in 2018 and is the first Finnish university to admit students based on the Swedish national university aptitude test (Swe. Högskoleprovet).
Kristina Heinonen, Professor of Service and Relationship Marketing, will be a visiting researcher at University of Massachusetts Boston, USA during spring 2018.
Minister of Education Sanni Grahn-Laasonen has appointed Anne Brunila, Professor of Practice at Hanken, as Chair of a panel that will try to envisage the ever-changing needs within education.
The renovation of the main entrance at Hanken in Helsinki is further delayed due to unforeseen technical circumstances.
Ambassador Elisabeth Kehrer and Commercial Counsellor Albrecht Zimburg from the Austrian Embassy in Stockholm visited Hanken on 16 August 2017 together with Markus Myllymäki.
Hanken & SSE Executive Education has appointed Marc Hinnenberg as new Chief Executive Officer.
The Letterstedt association aims at promoting the Nordic community in the fields of industry, science and art. The deadline for applying for grants is 15 September 2017.
The registration for Hanken Open University courses started on 9 August and attracted great interest. The Fast track-study places were quickly filled. The Fast track gives admittance to Hanken based on good study results, without an entrance test.
The Hanken faculty (incl. doctoral students) and staff from both Helsinki and Vaasa are warmly welcome to kick off the upcoming academic year 2017-2018 on 29 August 2017 at 3-5.15 p.m. in Helsinki.
During 1.5-31.7.2017 the following persons started working/are no longer working for Hanken.
The main entrance to Hanken in Helsinki is being renovated. The work has been delayed and will be finished by 18 August. Until then the main entrance is not in use but you can enter the building through the door on Runeberginkatu.