News Archive

Bukett med rosa rosor
Hanken has awarded students for excellent bachelor’s and master’s theses and good study performance. Each year, Hanken awards the best bachelor’s and master’s theses of the academic year as well as the prestigious honorary nomination Rector’s list, which is given to Hanken’s best performing master’s students.
Nominera Årets alumn 2021
Now is your chance to nominate Alumna/Alumnus of the Year 2021 who will be appointed at Hankendagen in Helsinki 8 October 2021.
Documents, workflow, computer
Hanken library has published a new Libguide on reference management software. The guide is for everyone looking for support with managing references for theses, papers and other documents.
Sustainability Unwrapped Podcast Illustration
The podcast which was launched last autumn returns with many exciting and invigorating conversations on how to make our world more sustainable.
The HUMLOG Institute Deputy Director Dr. Diego Vega hosted two discussions at the WHF 2021: "Promoting green supply chain management: adopting sustainable policies" and "Analysing localisation: trends, challenges and solutions to implementation"
Mikael Still and Silas Mwangi laughing on the street
This 2020-2021 Hanken Vaasa mentor-mentee relationship is – if not a match made in heaven – then clearly one that is full of respect, warmth and learning. Mikael Still (65) and Silas Magana (34) hit it off from day one last September.
So, what is their secret? What does it take to be a good mentor? And mentee, for that matter? Could you consider becoming one?
Social responsibility and sustainability
According to Hanken School of Economics' recent survey, millennials and women have an important role to play in making responsible investments increasingly common.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Unequal access to drinking water in different geographical contexts is embedded in political, racialized, classed, and gendered hierarchies. Technologies and innovations aimed at solving drinking water problems only tend to gloss over the bigger issues.
Open educational resources logo
Hanken Library has published the LibGuide 'Open Educational Resources'. You will find answers to the following questions: What are open educational resources? Where can I find open educational resources? How can I use open educational resources? What should be taken into account when publishing open educational resources? What are CC licenses and how are they used in connection with open educational resources?
Professor Nari Lee and Erkko Professor Gyöngyi Kovács wrote a blog entry about a very topical topic: COVID-19 vaccine patents.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
New research shows that individual approaches to value and value creation call for re-learning, re-focusing and re-evaluation in board work.
IT tjänster
IT services such as Shibboleth and Moodle will be available normally on Friday, 5 May 2021.
Postdoctoral project researcher Andries Heyns at the Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute shares his ten-week experience as a Geographic Information System specialist for Doctors Without Borders in the Tigray refugee camps in Sudan.
SHS lägger studentmössa på Havis Amanda
Despite the exceptional circumstances, the Havis Amanda statue in the centre of Helsinki still gets its student cap to Walpurgis night. This year it is the Student Union of Hanken School of Economics that has the honour to do so. Rector Karen Spens and representatives from Hanken's student union provided Havis Amanda with both a cap and a face mask in a ceremony that was recorded for YLE 20.4.2021.
The 2nd Special Issue of Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management is now published online.
Service Robot
Magnus Söderlund, Senior Fellow Researcher at CERS and Professor of Marketing and Head of the Center for Consumer Marketing (CCM), Stockholm School of Economics shares his insights into human and service robot interactions.
The working population is decreasing and at the same time, artificial intelligence brings radical changes to our working lives.
Hanken participates in the co-funding campaign by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, where a total of 67 million euro will be allocated to the universities as co-funding for raised donations.
Kaj Storbacka
Professor Kaj Storbacka is appointed Dean of Executive Education and Corporate Relations at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki. In his task Storbacka will be responsible for corporate relations and fundraising.
Hanna Silvola
Hanna Silvola, Associate Professor of Accounting at Hanken School of Economics, receives the Hans Dalborg Award 2021 as the first researcher in Finland.