News Archive

Hanken flaggor
Hanken’s fundraising campaign Count on Hanken has reached the milestone of 4 million euros. The campaign is in its final stages and will run until 30 June 2022.
Årets alumn - nominera nu!
Now is your chance to nominate Alumna/Alumnus of the Year 2022 who will be appointed at Hankendagen in Vaasa 12 May 2022.
Hanken studenter
Fair rules of play for all, to foster an even better and more responsible business culture – that is the essence of the new Hanken Code of Conduct.
Ukraine - why help with cash not goods
At a seminar at Hanken 3.3.2022, HUMLOG's experts and researchers commented on the situation in Ukraine and why it would be more effective if the outside world's aid to Ukraine would be monetary rather than sending goods.
If you missed the seminar, you can find the link to the recording here.
At its meeting on 28 February 2022, the board of Hanken decided on the process for electing a new rector. This time, there will be an open application process in combination with the possibility of direct recruitment. The recruitment process will be launched during the second week of March.
Ukraina - sänd hellre pengar än varor
The HUMLOG Institute at Hanken is a world leader in research in humanitarian logistics, ie how to best reach out with help to people in crisis areas. At a seminar at Hanken 3.3.2022, HUMLOG's experts and researchers commented on the situation in Ukraine and why it would be more effective if the outside world's aid to Ukraine would be monetary rather than sending goods.
Ukrainas flagga
Finnish universities UNIFI expresses support for Ukraine and the Ukrainian university students and staff.
studier hemma vid datorn
The public will be able to read the scientific publication Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management online free of charge from 2023 onwards.
Person tittar på en ljusinstallation föreställande brand
Earthquakes, storms, floods, forest fires - natural disasters have a firm grip on our world. In order for us to handle disasters in the best possible way, two things are needed: cooperation and trust.
Lime Technologies logo
Lime Technologies' mission is to recruit more young talent to the IT industry. The company hopes to find new staff members via its partnership with Hanken.
Perlego -ebook platform
The library organizes four Perlego webinars in February and March. Two of the webinars are intended for students and the other two for teachers. Choose the date that suits you best.
Person on computer
The Computer centre is replacing the web server Thursday February 24th at 18-22.
Quantum big screens and student at computer
The wireless WiFi network in Vaasa will be renewed during 2022. The planning work is started by metering in all parts of the building on February 16th – 17th.
The Computer centre is performing maintenance on Thursday february 24th. The work will cause disruptions in the data connections from the office in Vaasa.
Simone Falck får Fazer-stipendium
This year’s Fazer Award goes to Simone Falck. The award is worth 15,000 euros and is awarded to a Hanken student with strong values and good achievements.
En kvinna står vid ett fönster och sträcker armarna uppåt mot taket
Remember to download and activate your Break Pro. Break Pro is a free break exercise program that reminds you to take breaks during static work- or study days. Read more here!
Camilla Wardi och Karen Spens intill ALfred Bomans målning utan titel (2014)..jpg
The BI Norwegian Business School has appointed the Rector of Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki to its new Rector as of 1 August 2022.
Tre tonåringar sitter vid en dator och pekar på skärmen
The global network Junior Achievement Worldwide has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. "It is truly wonderful that the role entrepreneurship plays in fostering a positive, peaceful society is being highlighted in such a way," says Christina Dahlblom, chairman of the network's Finnish member federation and Professor of Practice at Hanken.
Studenter i snöyra
According to a recent survey, the students at Hanken are satisfied with the remote teaching and how they are progressing in their studies, but many long to return to the classrooms. The results show that students at Hanken feel better than the recent alarm reports about students' deteriorating well-being in Finland would suggest.
Bibliotekets logo - en bok i ett moln
Book an appointment with the library staff if you need help with information searching, reference management, formatting in Word, research data management, open science, or support in Haris.