News Archive

Exchange studies icon
The technical issue with the Shibboleth login is now solved and the exchange appliation is open again. The application for exchange studies in autumn semester 2023 closes 31 January 2023 at 23:59.
Bok och pennor
In this news article we want to inform you about the following: 
Jul cropped
The question highlights the problems around our commercialised Christmas. In the CERS-blog Associate Professor Pia Polsa discusses our consumer culture around our Christmas traditions and how she has created a new identity for her family implementing an anti-consumption mindset.
Logo of Engage EU
Hanken’s PhD students have now the opportunity to apply to the ENGAGE.EU PhD research workshop arranged at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole 20-21 April 2023.
Personer som sitter vid ett bord och skriver under ett kontrakt
There is an urgent need for a better legal quality in negotiation and commercial contracting practice. Legal design can provide for comprehensibility and a higher quality, according to Katri Nousiainen, doctoral student at Hanken School of Economics and professional in legal education.
Icon - Exchange studies
Applications for exchange studies in autumn semester 2023 and internship grants for May-August 2023 are now open for students. The deadline is 31.1.2023.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Academics in management and organization studies today have been driven into focusing predominantly on building a CV and developing networks, securing funding and producing articles published in high-ranked journals, all of which supports the university’s competitive position in global rankings. As a result, we see academics who neglect their own life in terms of material, emotional or familial sustenance, and social relations. Instead, they devote all their time to precarious work.
Studenter i auditorium
In the most recent alumni survey, nearly every respondent stated that they have a positive attitude towards their alma mater, and that they are proud to be associated with Hanken. "This is wonderful news for Hanken and we are very pleased to hear that Hanken’s alumni feel that we care about them," says Camilla Wardi, Head of Corporate Relations and Outreach.
Julens öppettider
Here is a list of Hanken’s opening hours in both Vaasa and Helsinki during Christmas and New Year holidays.
Utbytesstudier ikon
Hanken has signed new student exchange agreements with SKEMA Business School and ESCP Business School in France. Students can apply for an exchange at these new partner universities for autumn semester 2023 no later than 31.01.2023.
MentorX logo
MentorX is an innovative mentor network that brings together mentors and coaches with first-time entrepreneurs. Now you have the chance to join us!
On 13 December 2022, we will send an SMS to you as a degree student at Hanken asking for some feedback on your studies and your well-being.
Kommendörstecknet Finlands Lejon
On 6 December 2022, President of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, awarded three medals to people connected with Hanken School of Economics. The medals are officially awarded on Independence Day, but Hanken will mark the occasion with a ceremony during the Rector's Christmas coffee at the School on 16 December 2022.
Jesper Haga är årets föreläsare i Vasa 2022
On 3 December, during the Student Association at Svenska handelshögskolan i Vasa's annual party, the Lecturer of the Year was awarded. Associate professor Jesper Haga, who teaches finance, was awarded the title. The choice was based on Haga's broad knowledge of finance and his enthusiasm and positive charisma.
The Playground - applications open
Are you interested in starting your own company but don't know where to start? Do you have a can-do-attitude? Are you based in Helsinki? Then The Playground is something for you! Apply now to the spring 2023 pre-incubator program.
HBL 5.12.1952
"The new Hanken is characterised by simplicity" was the headline on the front page of Hufvudstadsbladet (HBL) exactly 70 years ago, on 5 December 1952. HBL had then visited Arkadiankatu 22 in Helsinki, where furniture was being moved into the brand new Hanken building. You can now read the whole article (in Swedish) on our website by clicking on Swedish in the upper right corner. Based on the article, one is struck by how different everyday life was at Hanken at that time.
Jesper och Dennis i After Class-podden
Jeppe Christoffersen’s (Copenhagen Business School) research shows how firms beat earnings benchmarks, such as avoiding earnings decreases and losses.
Två studenter går ut från dörren
The Academic Council at Hanken has recently approved some structural changes to the master’s programme in English. Starting from the autumn 2023 Hanken offers nine master’s programmes (MSc Economics and Business Administration) in English.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Currently, several regulators including the EU are adopting new corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure laws. These laws aim to encourage companies to develop a responsible approach to business. Consequently, various effects on the company and its external stakeholders are likely to arise, some of which may be unintended.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Due to the rising availability of online data, firms and consumers can make more informed decisions than ever before. In particular, firms can leverage marketing analytics to learn about consumer behaviours and preferences by analysing data taken from various online sources (e.g., social media and e-commerce websites). Meanwhile, consumers can rely on online information shared by different stakeholders (e.g., fellow consumers and firms).