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There is a method for examining how Finnish companies are fulfilling their human rights responsibilities on a yearly basis.
Hankens flaggor vajar i vinden mot en blå himmel med lite moln.
Applicants will be informed of how the entrance examinations will be carried out by 16 March. Universities have continued to prepare student admissions for 2021, taking into account the current coronavirus situation. The aim is to organise the spring and summer entrance examinations on campuses or other physical facilities. The tests are supervised and follow strict safety arrangements.
Sugar cane 2 pixabay
Today starts a blog series including 5 articles presenting the results of the science competition organised by the Global Business School Network and the HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics: The HUMLOG Challenge. Each of the posts will be published in Friday afternoon weekly.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Companies equipped with modern technology, such as with the capability to purify water, can control and shape what is understood as the truth about water in rural villages in the global South. Through this, rural villages are made dependent on private companies related to water supply, Yewondwossen Tesfaye states in his doctoral dissertation “Neoliberalism in everyday governmentality: The conduct of rural drinking water and rainwater practices”.
Sihti logo
The majority of Finnish companies are generally committed to respecting human rights. However, only a quarter of companies systematically and publicly assess the impact of their business activities on the realisation of human rights.
Johanna Karanko
Johanna Karanko, 52, graduated from Hanken in Helsinki in 1993 with Management and Organisation as her major. Since September 2018, she has been working as Finland's Consul General in Hong Kong.
man sitter hemma och jobbar
Read our newest blog post written by Russell Harpring, PhD Candidate at the HUMLOG Institute.
Outstanding Paper in Literati Awards
Two Hanken researchers have been awarded the prize for "Outstanding Paper" in the Emerald Literati Awards 2020.
textile factory
The United Nations Guiding principles on Business and Human rights were launched in 2011. However, there is little consistency as to the level and means through which companies implement human rights and these guidelines.
Michael Seelen
Michael Seelen, 41, graduated from Hanken in Vaasa in 2003 with Computational Finance as his major. Now he lives in Middleton, Wisconsin, where he works as a Director of Risk Management and Data Analysis at Hy Cite Enterprises.
An aerial view to a metropol
“I share with you, the reader, a part of my journey as I am working on one conceptual paper for my PhD related to customers and ecosystems. This article is also on the meaning of words, especially high-mileage words that we frequently take for granted.”
Johanna Frösén
This autumn, three projects at Hanken have been granted funding from the Foundation for Economic Education.
sustainable development
Last year Hanken committed to be carbon neutral by 2030. As a step towards that goal, Hanken has now compensated for its calculated emissions from 2019.
Chess board with wooden pieces
You often hear people criticize scientific articles saying that they rarely address genuinely managerially relevant and topical issues let alone offer recommendations for how to deal with these.
Leadership is about vision, common sense and focusing on achieving something; however, leadership ultimately is about people. That is why it is good to spend time with people from different backgrounds - you always learn something new from them, said Helsinki Mayor and Honorary Doctor at Hanken, Jan Vapaavuori, in his speech to Hanken students on 9 October 2020.
Bengt Holmström
Finland should draw up a plan as soon as possible on how to attract the best talent to Finland, says Bengt Holmström, Professor of Economics, in an online interview with Baba Lybeck.
The first issue of the year of the Hanken magazine is now available online.
Quantum is a versatile meeting place that offers access to company and financial databases and allows for the handling of big data. Modern technology makes it possible to stream all classes and other events, as well as allowing for keeping up with real-time financial news. Quantum, made possible by donations, opened in February 2020.
Hanken Professor Christian Grönroos has been ranked as number two among marketing researchers, according to a study by researchers from Stanford university, published in the prestigious scientific journal PLOS Biology.
Erkko Professor in Humanitarian Logistics, Gyöngyi Kovács, was interviewed by BBC World News on collaboration and supply chain issues surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic.