News Archive

Hankens tävlande team i Brandstorm 2023
Three student teams from Hanken have participated in the Nordic final of L'Oréal's international marketing competition Brandstorm 28.4.2023. All Hanken teams performed very well among the 8 Nordic teams competing. Team TAL Scentiment from University of Gothenburg won and secured a place in the international final in Paris in June.
Hankens byggnad i Helsingfors
The Teaching Evaluation Committee is arranging a teaching demonstration for Assistant Professor Diego Vega on 11 May, 2023, at 11 am in room A307 in Helsinki.
Legogubbar som beskriver olika känslor
In this CERS blog post, Assistant Professor Larissa Becker discusses the problem with the lack of a common definition of Customer Experience (CX), despite it being a buzzword in marketing and service practice.
Sophia Rahimeh, Henna Konsti och Huong Duong
Through the transformed Hanken International Talent initiative, all international degree students can now receive support for integrating into Finnish society and working life. We spoke to two students who have experienced the benefits.
Hankens byggnad i Helsingfors
At its meeting on 19 April 2023, Hanken School of Economic's Board appointed Gyöngyi Kovács, Mika Gabrielsson and Sören Kock as new deans. In addition to this, the Board has decided to launch a new bachelor's programme in English, in parallel with the traditional bachelor's degree programme in Swedish. The first admission will take place in 2024.
Ida Saavalainen
“It's been about 15 years since I was at Hanken, and I needed a few more tools in my toolbox. Something tangible since questions around strategy and leadership are coming up in my work daily.” These comments stem from President and CEO of the Ahola Group, Ida Saavalainen, who currently attends the Hanken Executive MBA programme.
En person står och föreläser framför en grupp människor
“Our main task is to support companies to improve their leadership. We do this by igniting strategic renewal in teams and individuals,” says Marc Hinnenberg, CEO of Hanken & SSE Executive Education.
Datoranimerat människohuvud
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Mekhail Mustak, has co-written a research paper exploring the threats and opportunities of deepfake technology.
Stipendiesammankomst 2022
In order to honour the university's largest donors, Hanken has established awards for the best performing students at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, and to the best performing students who go on exchange during their bachelor studies.
HUMLOG:s före detta direktörer Wojciech Piotrowicz, Karen Spens, Gyöngyi Kovács och institutets nuvarande direktör Diego Vega.
The Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute (HUMLOG) is working with the most pressing issues in our world: from the COVID-19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine and the enormous challenges presented by climate change. This week the Institute celebrated its 15th anniversary.
Nature showing in a glass ball
How has Hanken been faring in its responsible management education and sustainability journey for the past couple of years? The answers can be found in Hanken's latest PRME report for the years 2020-22! Hanken is also part of the Climate University, which offers sustainability and climate courses open to everyone.
Exchange Fairs Flags
Students are welcome to join the fair and the information sessions on 25 April 2023 11 - 14.00 in the Hanken Foyer.
Professor Bengt Holmström
“We are still at an early stage in a complex digital world of finance. There are huge opportunities for making finance cheaper, faster and safer”, says Bengt Holmström, Nobel laureate in economics and Hanken Foundation Distinguished Fellow Professor.
The aim of the Finnish universities is to streamline certificate-based admission and to ensure that the study opportunities are not unnecessarily restricted by subject choices made at general upper secondary level. This would ease the pressures experienced by general upper secondary students. About half of all new university students are admitted on the basis of their certificates.
Hankens ytterdörr
Hanken’s Bachelor degree in Swedish in Vaasa has attracted a record number of applicants this year. In the joint application in spring 2023, a total of 739 applications was submitted to Hanken in Vaasa.
Logo of QTEM
Do you want to internationalise your master’s degree and gain analytical skills? Then you might be Hanken’s next QTEM student!
The report covers Hanken's sustainability activities during 2020-2022.
Lisa Ellram besöker Hanken som Fulbrightforskare
Professor Lisa Ellram is visiting Hanken during spring 2023 as a Fulbright Distinguished Professor.
At the beginning of the year, a new funding act determining the state's research and development funding in 2024–2030 entered into force. In practice, the implementation of the Act means that the central government budgeted approximately EUR 260 million more for RDI activities each year in 2024-2030.
Festsalen inför inskriptionen
On 14 March 2023 Hanken School of Economics arranged an inaugural installation ceremony for three new professors, Martin Fougère (Management and organisation), Johanna Gummerus (Marketing), and Jennie Sumelius (Management and organisation).