News Archive

Doktorsdisputation på Hanken
As a result of extensive harmonization efforts in the area of copyright law in the EU, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) plays an important role in defining the boundaries of the scope of protection offered to authors and holders of related rights.
Hanken students sitting by the sea
Students at Hanken have participated in a study that examined how students in the metropolitan area view, among other things, housing, urban planning, and studies in the metropolitan area. The goal is to gather ideas and wishes on how to develop the metropolitan area and services for students.
Person använder laptop.
Two new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) will be going live this spring on the social learning platform Future Learn, with millions of users around the world. The courses are open for anyone and everyone around the world.
Hankens flagga framför blå himmel
The fundraising campaign HANKEN 110 summarizes 2019 with a very nice result.
Wojciech Piotrowicz står i Foajén.
Researchers within a project focusing on Syria and Ukraine are studying in which form aid should be delivered to population in needs. The project aims to create guidelines for humanitarian organisations operating in conflict zones.
JAAF konferensen hålls på Hanken 15-18.6.2020
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (JAAF) Conference will be arranged at Hanken, Helsinki 15-18th June 2020. The paper submission period for both the plenary sessions and concurrent sessions has now started and goes on until 31 January.
Martti Hetemäki ny arbetslivsprofessor
News updated on 23 March 2020: Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (covid-19), Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki will continue to direct the work of the Ministry of Finance of Finland until 30 June 2020 (not until the end of February as informed earlier), and thus, won’t start as professor of practice at the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics before July 2020.
Lobna Hassan står vid fönstret i Hankens korridor.
The Finnish Service Alliance has awarded Lobna Hassan’s doctoral thesis The Service PhD of 2019.
news nyheter
Teams can be used for groups and units to cooperate and share documents, chat and have webmeetings. - Course in January
Students presenting their work to a jury
Today’s business world is faced with continuous turbulence, and decision-making in the incalculable environment is even more complicated than before. Hanken trains its students to work-life challenges in tight collaboration with the business world.
Logon för Academic Business Consulting
Students become real life CEO’s, project managers and consultants in the Entrepreneurship and Management course Business Consulting.
Professors Suvi Nenonen and Kaj Storbacka standing in front of a building
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of CERS, Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at Hanken, the Grönroos Prize 2019 was awarded to prominent service researchers, Professor Suvi Nenonen and Professor Kaj Storbacka.
Hankens öppettider vid jul och nyår 2019
Here is a list of Hanken's opening hours in both Vaasa and Helsinki during Christmas and New Year holidays.
Minchul Sohn står med sitt pris och blommor i händerna.
Minchul Sohn, who defended his doctoral thesis in humanitarian logistics last June, has been awarded for best doctoral dissertation by The Finnish Association of Logistics and Purchasing LOGY.
En bild på Karen Spens utmärkelsetecken Kommendörstecknet av Finlands Lejons orden i sin ask.
Rector Karen Spens is awarded with the Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland on the Finnish Independence Day, 6 December.
World Humanitarian Forum Partnership Logo
HUMLOG and World Humanitarian Forum have signed a partnership agreement.
En pyramidformad bild av Hankens nya modell för premiering av undervisning
Hanken has a new model for teaching awards. It is a unique comprehensive model, which is about encouraging, rewarding and acknowledging quality in teaching.
Ullica Hansson står på en brygga och ser på sin hund som hon har i famnen.
Many alumni remember the IT Services in Hanken’s cellar as a somewhat frowzy dark place filled with it-scrap. Hanken Business Lab and Markus Wartiovaara changed all that three years ago. The Hanken Magazine met an alumnus who got on well in the incubator.
En kvinna, Päivi Koivisto, ser leende in i kameran.
Hanken Executive MBA graduate Päivi Koivisto has been working in corporate sustainability for more than 20 years. She’s seen the field grow from a fringe function into one an increasing number of companies are putting at the core of their strategies. We spoke to her about the change.
En mans händer i meditationsställning.
Mindfulness and yoga have become popular methods today for people to find tranquillity amidst the hectic tempo of everyday life. Now this meditation technique has entered Finnish working life.