News Archive

Project name with some graphic on the top
Hanken School of Economics, FIANT Consulting Oy, 3bility Consulting and The Human Rights Centre (HRC) implement a research project called SIHTI (Status of Human Rights Performance of Finnish Companies). The aim of the project is to obtain comprehensive overview of how Finnish companies are fulfilling their human rights responsibilities in relation to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
HUMLOG Institute’s research project Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis has been selected in the special call for research into Covid-19 by the Academy of Finland.
Cash or Carrry research project home deliver
HUMLOG Institute’s research project Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis has been selected in the special call for research into Covid-19 by the Academy of Finland.

Sustainable strategy in turbulent times
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected economics on all levels in society. In order to ensure a more resilient and flexible society in the future it’s important for countries not to isolate themselves, but rather to take global regulatory actions through international agreements and that applies as much to fighting pandemics and climate change, said Topi Miettinen, Professor at Hanken School of Economics, during an online event at Hanken.
The Helsinki GSE Situation Room states in its latest report that compared to last year, over 100,000 people more have applied for unemployment benefit from Kela. The report is presented at an open access webinar in Zoom on Thursday, 28 May at 8 am.
Marit Nilsson-Väre står vid Kvarken med havet i bakgrunden.
This spring, Hanken together with Umeå University has offered a new course focusing on collaboration across borders in the Kvarken region. The course has given the students insights about challenges and opportunities for companies in the Kvarken area.
Clients and service personnel in a farmacy
All of us have heard this several times: robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will replace many of us, and this also goes for service employees who used to have face-to-face interaction with customers.
This prize reward is given by The HUMLOG Institute each year to students who have been writing the best theses in Humanitarian Logistics.
Due to the current pandemic situation and the impact it has had on the Finnish economy, Hanken wants to offer the opportunity for free education in economics also for other than our degree students.
Two teams from Hanken participated in the Nordic Final, which took place 11.5.2020.
The overall objective of HERoS (Health Emergency Response in Interconnected Systems) is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the response to the Covid-19 outbreak. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003606.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
The history of training and development research goes as far back as the early 20th century but new perspectives are needed. A new study gives tools to improve planning and delivering training programmes.
Hankens flaggor
The Helsinki GSE Situation Room states in its latest report that the number of layoffs has continued to grow strongly. The report is presented at an open access webinar in Zoom on Thursday, 14 May at 8 am.

The Finnish foundation Suomen arvopaperimarkkinoiden edistämissäätiö rewarded Hanken student Walter Hildén for his master’s thesis. The award is 5000 EUR.
Bild av Financial Times
Hanken & SSE remains the top-ranked Nordic school in all categories in the annual Financial Times rankings as a part of Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)
news nyheter
SIHTI, commissioned by the Prime Minister’s Office, is a project assessing the status of the human rights performance of Finnish companies.
news nyheter
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) will be going live this spring on the social learning platform Future Learn, with millions of users around the world. The courses are open for anyone and everyone around the world.
Biblioteket bok från hyllan
The Library in Helsinki offers limited lending service starting on May 14th. Vaasa City Library offers limited lending service starting on May 11th.
Hankens flaggor
The latest report by the Helsinki GSE Situation Room states that the growth in the number of applications for unemployment benefit paid by Kela has been greatest in the Uusimaa region. The report is presented at an open access webinar in Zoom on Thursday, 7 May at 8 am.

Doktorsdisputation på Hanken
New research discusses that the politics put forth in times of disaster tend to represent the interests of the powerful actors, rather than those of the marginalized people worst affected by the disaster.