News Archive

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All presentations and streamed lectures are now available.
Presentation under Hanken Research Day 2019
Welcome to participate in Hanken Research Day online on 27 November at 11! This year, the Hanken Foundation Distinguished Fellow and Nobel laureate Bengt Holmström participates in an interview and in addition, four research groups from Hanken present the latest in their covid-19-related research. The interviews and subsequent discussion are led by Baba Lybeck.
Sustainable Strategies
Consumers' choices will have a strong impact on the future development in society. It is, however, still too early to say which of the changes in behavior caused by the corona pandemic will persist. This was stated by the panelists in the discussion "Sustainable Strategies in Turbulent Times - Key Factors for Renewal", which was broadcasted online from Hanken on 11 November.
Hanken i Vasa
Political discussions about whether to merge Hanken in Vaasa with Åbo Akademi University or with the University of Vaasa have been ongoing ever since Hanken in Vaasa was established in 1980. Today Sören Kock, dean and rector’s representative in Vaasa, sees the possibility of Hanken in Vaasa remaining as Hanken in a positive light. “I find it fascinating that a Triple-Crown accredited university manages to operate in two locations,” Kock remarks.
HUMLOG Challenge vanns av Team Los Andes
A group of students, who presented a solution to how the indigenous community Wayuu in South America could secure access to safe water for hand washing and hygiene, have won the science competition organised by the HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics.
Clothes hanging on a rail
Newly introduced EU level regulation will obligate EU member states to implement a separate collection of textile waste by 2025.
Gröna blad på svart bakgrund
This autumn, Hanken has made further commitments in sustainable development. The School has been accepted as a member of the network Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and now co-hosts the Global Business School Network’s (GBSN) conference.
A puzzle and a hand
These turbulent times have had a positive effect on the creativity level of private, public, governmental and civilian actors.
CERS Professor Kristina Heinonen has been invited to the board of the AMA Servsig Special interest group.
A puppy sleeping on a laptop on a sofa
During Covid-19, discussions are slipping towards confrontation – who is to blame for doing or for not doing something, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is not.
Sustainability Unwrapped
In a new conversational podcast, “Sustainability Unwrapped”, researchers from Hanken School of Economics turn to experts outside the academia in order to come up together with solutions to how the world could be made sustainable. The first two episodes were out in the beginning of this week with new episodes every Monday. Two episodes every week will be released until the mid of December.
USA-presidentvalsdebatt på Hanken 28.10.2020
The panelists in the discussion “What is happening? – The impact of the US presidential elections” at Hanken raised uncertainty as top priority in both Trump’s election period and next week’s elections.
Christina Dahlblom är ny Professor of Practice
Christina Dahlblom has been appointed Professor of Practice at Hanken’s Department of Management and Organisation as of 3 November 2020. Dahlblom wants to contribute to even tighter networks and dialogues between Hanken and the corporate world, in order to help Hanken continue developing cooperation, research and teaching that brings value to both Hanken, businesses and society.
david grant
The Board on 20.10.2020 appointed Professor David B. Grant as new Dean of Research and Social Impact at Hanken. His term of office is until 31.7.2021. David B. Grant is Professor of Supply Chain Management & Social Responsibility at Hanken.
Niclas Meyer och Björn Wahlroos undervisar i Principles of Wealth Management
Björn Wahlroos is one of the lead educators on the open online MOOC course Principles of Wealth Management that started 26.10.2020. Wahlroos has made a remarkable career in the field of banking, and he has served both as a professor and as chairman of the board at Hanken.
Helsinki City Centre with advertisements and xmas lights
The Finnish marketing research has evolved from serving the general goal of informing international audiences about the development of Finland, its economy, consumers, and companies.
Skrivkvällen är online Write Night is online 10.11.2020
Participate online in Write Night 10.11.2020. No registration required.
HERoS research project
Fresh results published by a research project led by Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki show that travel restrictions are one of the most effective methods to stop the spreading of Covid-19. Travel bans have however, also resulted in serious disruptions in the transportation of medical supplies.
After Class-podden med Jesper och Dennis
After Class with Jesper & Dennis is a brand new podcast by Jesper Haga and Dennis Sundvik who teaches finance and accounting. The remote teaching and the corona situation made both Jesper and Dennis think that there was room for a podcast.
We asked Hanken's study coach Alexandra Ohls a few questions about study coaching and in when it is a good idea to contact her. She also offers some pointers on how to study efficiently and keep your motivation high.