News Archive

Ingmar Björkman
The Board of Hanken School of Economics has on 25 May 2022 appointed Professor Ingmar Björkman as Hanken’s new rector. Professor Björkman will take office on 1 August 2022 and the term of office is five years.
Bordet dukat för fest
Hanken has appointed donor awards for the best-performing students, the best master's and bachelor's thesis and the best-performing bachelor students who went on an exchange study period. The appointments are named after the School’s honorary donors.
Dator på bordet
As part of Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Hanken & SSE remains the top-ranked Nordic executive education house in all categories in the Financial Times rankings and climbs to position 15 in the world.
Textmessage survey
On Tuesday, May 24th, we will send a text message to you as a degree student at Hanken to ask for some feedback about your studies and sustainable development at Hanken.
Engage EU logotyp
The first ENGAGE.EU Conference for Early-Stage Researchers and Young Scholars will be hosted by University of National and World Economy (UNWE) at its Conference Centre in Sofia 23-24 of June.
Christoph Vitzthum
We have asked the chair of the Hanken board, Christoph Vitzthum, five questions. Read, among other things, about the direction in which Vitzthum wants to develop Hanken and what strengths he thinks the university has.
Camilla Wardi under Hankendagen 2022
How to shape the market for future needs? Is this the end of globalisation? Will it be possible to start an anode material factory in Vaasa? These were topics that were discussed during the annual Hankendagen which was held in Vaasa on 12 May 2022.
Christian Grönroos
Professor Emeritus Christian Grönroos is conferred the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa at Hasselt University in Belgium. The ceremony takes place on 24 May 2022.
Hankenstudenter på sommargård
The Foundation for Economic Education (Liikesivistysrahasto) donates 200 000 euro to Hanken. The donation is included in Hanken's ongoing fundraising campaign Count on Hanken.
Joel Sunabacka Årets alumn 2022
Hanken School of Economics annually nominates Alumni of the Year, a Hanken alumnus/alumna who has kept in touch with the School after graduating and who has received recognition for his or her involvement in society. This year, the title went to Joel Sunabacka from Vaasa.
Hankens flagga framför blå himmel
The expansion of solar and wind power is well under way, but we still lack large-scale storage options for electrical energy. Green hydrogen is a potential solution, but it requires new business models. Hanken’s research into ecosystems is set to boost the hydrogen economy in Ostrobothnia
Gul ros
The Finnish foundation Suomen arvopaperimarkkinoiden edistämissäätiö rewarded Hanken student Jan Stellberg for his master’s thesis. The award is 5 000 EUR.
Coaching-session med många människor kring ett bord
Hanken offers a coaching programme that takes a closer look at how to manage working life expectations, workload, time management and how to learn more about social interaction. The core of the message is how we can create the best working conditions and community possible.
Bloomberg i Quantum
Bloomberg will close remote access of the database after 1st of July 2022, which means that Learner accounts can no longer be used for remote access.
Vinterbadande man
Flexible credits, cooperative group work, informal academic culture, and the beauty of winter – four exchange students share their impressions of studying at Hanken during the spring semester.
Rektor Karen Spens och VD Mikko Ayub
The artwork “Tillväxt – Kasvu” (eng. Growth) by Aimo Tukiainen (1917-1996) now adorns the wall in the courtyard of Hanken School of Economics. The unveiling took place in festive forms on 29 April 2022.
Glödlampa lightbulb
Today on CERS-blog doctoral student Wurola explains how consumer insight remains the bedrock of competitive businesses during this inflationary period.
studenter sitter på gräset framför Hanken
On 26 April 2022, we will send an SMS to you as a degree student at Hanken asking for some feedback on your studies and your well-being.
Två studenter går ut från dörren
The universities will decide on the reform of the scoring model for certificate-based admission in 2023. The new model will be introduced in 2026. The aim is also to increase collaboration related to entrance examinations among universities.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
In most cryptocurrencies mining (the process by which new cryptocurrency coins are entered into circulation) is necessary for securing transaction finality. Unfortunately mining is not environmentally friendly. It is common knowledge that Proof-of-Stake is pollution free and new research suggests that it is as secure.