Contact CERS

CERS operates in two different campuses, located in Helsinki and Vaasa

CERS in Helsinki

CERS Arkadiankatu 28








Hanken School of Economics / CERS 
Arkadiankatu 28

P.O. Box 478

E-mail: cers(at)

Street address in Helsinki.

In Helsinki, we are located at Arkadiankatu 28, 2nd floor.


CERS in Vaasa








Hanken School of Economics / CERS
Kauppapuistikko 2
P.O. Box 287

Street address in Vaasa

In Vaasa, we are located at Kirjastonkatu 16, 2nd floor


CERS faculty can be found here.

The Department of Marketing is situated in the white building that overlooks Mechelininkatu and is located on the second floor. The Arkadia building is situated downhill from Hanken's main building between Arkadiankatu and Mechelininkatu. The faculty and staff of the Subject of Marketing have their offices mainly on the second floor in the new annex.

The official address of our offices is Arkadiankatu 28.

How to find us? Please use the main entrance of the building located at Arkadiankatu 28. If you are coming from Runerberginkatu, where Hanken's main building is located, proceed downhill until Arkadiankatu meets Mechelininkatu. The white building closest to Mechelininkatu houses The Department of Marketing, and "Hanken School of Economics" is written on the glass door.

If you are coming from Mechelininkatu, keep walking until you see a white building that faces the tram tracks. Across the street is the "Sushi Forrest" restaurant.

Once inside, take the elevator or stairs to the second floor, and you will find yourself at the Department of Marketing.

