Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis

This project focus on delivery mechanisms in to global Covid-19 pandemic and examine solutions to the immediate response phase, especially additional resources used, such as volunteers or military.

Aim of the project: The aim of the research project is to analyse the aid delivery mechanisms in complex emergencies, especially in responding to the global Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused disruptions throughout the supply chain, resulting in short-term solutions, use of extra resources, and redesign of processes to implement social distancing measures. The project will address changes implemented in the supply chain, especially in-store and in the last mile delivery.

Date: June 2020 - December 2021

Funded by: Academy of Finland (nr 335639)

PI: Wojciech Piotrowicz

More information:

The HUMLOG Institute Director Dr Wojciech Piotrowicz presents the research project "Cash and/or Carry: The challenges and modalities of delivery in Covid-19 crisis", which was featured within top 10 projects in the World Pandemic Response Network.