Computers for studying or working at Hanken with further links.
As a student at Hanken,
- you will need a computer of your own for studies.
- you have to be able to take care of your computer.
- From Software Licences for Your Own Computer you can find some software to install on your computer (free or at a discounted student price)
For teaching and studying
- there are teacher's computers in all auditoriums
- there are some computer rooms the students can use freely, as long as the CRs aren't booked
- In Software in Computer Rooms, you can find out more about the software on the computers for teachers and in the computer rooms
As a member of the staff at Hanken:
- you have a Hanken computer
- the computer central handles the acquirement of computers
- If you need a new computer, check with your Head of Department and ask
- It is recommended that any extra programs are ordered in time for installation
- Extra costs may occur here
- Software on Staff Computers has more about the programs on a Hanken computer
All Hanken computers are installed with windows, and other operative systems are not supported.