International partnerships and mobility

International partnerships and mobility team tasks and contact information

The tasks of the team for International partnerships and mobility are as follows:

  • We welcome initiatives and contacts from international scholars and potential future partners who are interested in exploring collaboration with Hanken in research and education or visit Hanken.
  • We develop and support Hanken's international activities and networks, and manage the exchange programme, the international partnerships, and the activities within the Erasmus+ and Nordplus programmes.
  •  We give service to incoming exchange students from our partner universities around the world, and co-operate actively with our partners beyond student exchange. As Hanken encourages all students to spend a semester abroad, service is also given to outgoing exchange students at all stages of their exchange.

Contact us

Incoming exchange students: incoming.mobility(at)

Outgoing exchange students: outgoing.mobility(at)

General information (not student related): international(at)

Office hours

Monday        13.00 – 15.00
Wednesday   9.00 – 11.00
Thursday      13.00 – 15.00

NB! We're on Christmas holiday during week 52 (23-27.12). Emails will be answered again from 30.12.2024.

Closed on Wednesday 1.1.2025 and Monday 6.1.2025.

Hanken in Helsinki
Arkadiankatu 22
Exchange studies floor 1.5 (entrance through Quantum).

Ms Johanna Julin Lilius, MSc

Head, International Relations
Agreements, Erasmus+
Phone +358 40 3521 239

Ms Towa Blomqvist, MSc

International Coordinator (incoming exchange students)
Phone +358 40 3521 312

Ms Natalia Boltovskaya, MSc

International Coordinator (QTEM & Winter School & ERASMUS IIAS)
Phone +358 (0)50 4775 827

Ms Emilia Hattula, MSc

International Coordinator (outgoing exchange students)
Phone +358 50 4152 844

Ms Anja Hayes, MSc

Institutional Coordinator (ENGAGE.EU)
Phone +358 50 3205 493

Ms Maria Holmström, MSc

International Coordinator (outgoing exchange students)
Phone +358 40 3521 391

On leave until January 2025

Ms Jonna Vesuna, MSc

International Coordinator 
Tfn +358 (0)50 4775 827

On leave until July 2025

Ms Johanna Liljequist, MSc

International Coordinator
Phone +358 40 3521 379

Ms Marina Lindberg

International Assistant
Phone +358 40 3521 504