OMslaget av boken Moomin Magagement med olika figurer från Mumindalen.
A brand new Moomin book is set to release in September. However, this book focuses less on the events in the Moominvalley and more on the business and managing the ecosystem of companies with Moomin Characters at its core. Generosity is highlighted as a key management practice.
What motivates people to pay their taxes? And what shapes moral condemnation of tax evasion? New research uncovers the complex moral psychology underlying why people pay taxes or evade them, providing insights for sustaining ethical cooperation as financial technologies evolve.
Händer som sträcker fram en tom skål
Seven aid workers from the food aid charity World Central Kitchen were killed in Gaza on Monday night when their convoy was attacked in a confirmed Israeli drone strike. This puts the death toll among humanitarians at over 200, writes Hanken’s Sarah Schiffling and Foteini Stavropoulou from Liverpool John Moores University in The Conversation.
Visualisering av stora datamängder, ett flöde av data
Digital data can help companies improve customer experience and achieve greater growth, but the downside includes data breaches, misuse and employee technostress. How can companies responsibly and transparently collect, use and create value from all available digital data? A new research project at Hanken School of Economics wants to find out.