
Redovisning på Hanken
Fakultetens aktuella publikationer:


Afzali, A., Afzali, M., & Ittonen, K. (2024). Distracted auditors, audit effort, and earnings quality. Accounting Forum.

Afzali, M., Colak, G., & Vähämaa, S. (2024). Climate Change Denial and Corporate Environmental Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics.

Afzali, M., & Thor, T. (2024). Corporate Culture and Tax Planning. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

Afzali, M., Athanasakou, V., & Terjesen, S. (2024). Lead Independent Directors and Internal Information Environment. Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Brown, R. J., Jorgensen, B., & Sadiq, K. (2024). Revisiting Unitary Taxation with Formulary Apportionment Using Public Country-by-Country Reports. British Tax Review, 2024(3).

Buchanan, B., Silvola, H., & Vähämaa, E. (2024). Sustainability and private investors. European Journal of Finance.

Burnett, B. M., Jorgensen, B., & Pollard, T. J. (Accepted/In press). Consequences of a Two-tiered Regulatory Model: Evidence from Audit Fees and Change in Foreign Private Issuer Status. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory.

Finne, G., Haga, J., & Sundvik, D. (2024). Cost behaviour and reporting frequency during the COVID-19 outbreak. Accounting and Business Research, 54(4), 491-520.

Ghosh, A., Jarva, H., & Ryan, S. (2024). Bank Regulation/Supervision and Bank Auditing. European Accounting Review.

Haga, J., Huthamäki, F., Sundvik, D., & Thor, T. (2024). Nothing to fear: Strong corporate culture and workplace safety. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 63(2), 519-550.

Haga, J., & Ittonen, K. (2024). Organizational resilience of audit firms - evidence from the outbreak of the COVID-19. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.

Harrer, T., & Lehner, O. M. (2024). Assuring the unknowable: a reflection on the evolving landscape of sustainability assurance for financial auditors. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 67, Article 101413.

Harrer, T., Silvola, H., & Lehner, O. (2024). Measuring Biodiversity: Mission Impossible? In O. M. Lehner, T. Harrer, H. Silvola, & O. Weber (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance (pp. 357-373). (Routledge international handbooks). Routledge.

Lehner, O. M., Harrer, T., Silvola, H., & Weber, O. (2024). Introduction: Setting the Scene for Green Finance. In The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance (pp. 1-4). Routledge.

Lehner, O., Harrer, T., Silvola, H., & Weber, O. (Eds.) (2024). The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance. (Routledge international handbooks). Routledge.

Monjed, H., Ibrahim, S., & Jørgensen, B. N. (2024). Risk disclosure, earnings smoothing and firm perceived risk. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting.

Pichlmayer, K., & Lehner, O. M. (2024). Green, Greener, Not Green Enough? Institutional Forces Driving the European Green Bond Market. In O. M. Lehner, T. Harrer, H. Silvola, & O. Weber (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance (pp. 391-415). (Routledge international handbooks). Routledge.



Afzali, M., & Kettunen, J. (2023). Boardroom Centrality and Firm Performance : Evidence from Private Firms. Nordic Journal of Business, 71(4), 199-229.

Harrer, T., Lehner, O., & Weber, C. (2023). A multi-level understanding of trust development in contexts of blurred organizational boundaries: the case of crowdfunding. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 39(1), Article 101247.

Jauhiainen, T., & Lehner, O. M. (2023). Good Governance of AI and Big Data Processes in Accounting and Auditing. In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 119-181). (Routledge studies in accounting). Routledge.

Jarva, H., & Lof, M. (2023). Identifying accounting conservatism in the presence of skewness. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.

Jarva, H., & Zeitler, T. (2023). Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on internal auditing: a field study. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.

Kihn, L.-A., & Ström, E. (2023). Top Management Characteristics and Comprehensive Focus on Budgeting. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.

Lehner, O. M., Leitner-Hanetseder, S., Eisl, C., & Knoll, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-driven Accounting (AIDA): Future Insights and Organisational Implications. In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 6-34). (Routledge studies in accounting). Taylor and Francis Group.

Lehner, O., & Knoll, C. (Eds.) (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications. (Routledge Studies in Accounting). Routledge.

Losbichler, H., & Lehner, O. M. (2023). Cybernetic Limits of Artifcial Intelligence in Accounting and a Future Research Agenda. In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 98-118). (Routledge Studies in Accounting). Routledge.

Lehner, O. M., Ittonen, K., Silvola, H., & Ström, E. (2023). Ethical Challenges and Normative Thinking in AIDA. In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 231-261). (Routledge studies in accounting). Routledge.

Lehner, O. M., & Kyriacou, O. (2023). Interconnectedness and the web of accountabilities: Humboldtian approaches to social and environmental accounting. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 36(6), 1529-1553.

Leitner-Hanetseder, S., Lehner, O. M., Eisl, C., & Knoll, C. (2023). Quo Vadis Accountancy? - Future Roles and Responsibilities. In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 54-75). (Routledge studies in accounting). Routledge.

Lehner, O. M., Knoll, C., Hanetseder, S. L., & Eisl, C. (2023). The dynamics of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting organisations: A structuration perspective. In E. Strauss, & M. Quinn (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook Of Accounting Information Systems (2nd ed., pp. 121-139). Routledge.

Leitner-Hanetseder, S., Knoll, C., Eisl, C., & Lehner, O. M. (2023). The Need for an Adapted Skillset for Accountants - What Does Accounting Education Literature Tell Us? In O. M. Lehner, & C. Knoll (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Accounting: Organisational and Ethical Implications (pp. 76-97). (Routledge studies in accounting). Routledge.

Seligson, H., & Lehner, O. M. (2023). The promise of digital accounting and auditing: brave new world or dystopia? In L. Othmar M., & K. Carina (Eds.), Artificial intelligence in accounting: organisational and ethical implications (pp. 262-305). (Routledge studies in accounting). Routledge.


Selected publications until 2022

Leitner-Hanetseder, S., & Lehner, O. M. (2022). AI-powered information and Big Data: current regulations and ways forward in IFRS reporting. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.

Lehner, O. M., Nicholls, A., & Kapplmüller, S. B. (2022). Arenas of Contestation: A Senian Social Justice Perspective on the Nature of Materiality in Impact Measurement. Journal of Business Ethics, 179(4), 971-989.

Amiram, D., Jorgensen, B., & Rabetti, D. (2022). Coins for Bombs: The Predictive Ability of OnChain Transfers for Terrorist Attacks. Journal of Accounting Research, 60(2), 427-466.

Afzali, M. (2022). Corporate culture and financial statement comparability. Advances in Accounting, 60, Article 100640.

Afzali, A., Martikainen, M., Oxelheim, L., & Randoy, T. (2022). On the role of internationalization of firmlevel corporate governance: The case of audit committees. Corporate Governance: An International Review.

Haga, J., Högholm, K., & Sundvik, D. (2022). Peer firms’ reporting frequency and stock price synchronicity: European evidence. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 49, Article 100505.

Jorgensen, B. N., Li, J., & Melumad, N. D. (2022). Selective Disclosure, Expertise Acquisition and Price Informativeness. Contemporary Accounting Research, 39(4), 2305-2337.

Harrer, T., & Owen, R. (2022). Reducing early-stage Cleantech funding gaps: an exploration of the role of Environmental Performance Indicators. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28(9), 268-288.

Lehner, O., Ittonen, K., Silvola, H., Ström, E., & Wührleitner, A. (2022). Artificial intelligence based decision-making in accounting and auditing: ethical challenges and normative thinking. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 35(9), 109-135.

Haga, J., Huhtamäki, F. & Sundvik, D. (2021). Ruthless Exploiters or Ethical Guardians of the Workforce? Powerful CEOs and their Impact on Workplace Safety and Health, in Journal of Business Ethics (2021)

Silvola, H., Vinnari, E. (2021). The limits of institutional work: a field study on auditors' efforts to promote sustainability assurance in a trust society, in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34(1)

Lehner, O.M, Leitner-Hanetseder, S and Eisl, C. (2020), Understanding Digital Accounting: An Actor-Network Perspective on the Future of Accounting, in review in Accounting, Organizations and Society

Ittonen, K., Myllymäki, E.-R., & Tronnes, P. C. (2019). Banks’ audit committees, audit firm alumni and fees paid to audit firm. Managerial Auditing Journal, 34(7), 783–807.

Lehner, O.M., Harrer T., and Quast, M. (2019), Building Institutional Legitimacy in Impact Investing: Strategies and Gaps in Financial Communication and Discourse, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 20(3),

Lehner, O.M. and Schmid, S.B. (2019), Materiality in Impact Measurement: An Information Management Perspective, in review in the Journal of Business Ethics

Owen, R., Othmar, L., Lyon, F., & Brennan, G. (2019). Early stage investing in green SMEs: the case of the UK. ACRN Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, 8(1), 163-182.

Haga, J., Ittonen, K., Tronnes, P. C., & Wong, L. (2018). Is earnings management sensitive to discount rates? Journal of Accounting Literature, 41, 75–88.

Huikku, J., Mouritsen, J. & Silvola, H. (2017). Relative reliability and the recognisable firm: Calculating goodwill impairment value, in Review in Accounting, Organizations and Society, 56, 68-83.

Lehner, O.M. and Dey, P., 2016, Registering Ideology in the Creation of Social Entrepreneurs: Intermediary Organizations, Journal of Business Ethics (ISSN: 0167-4544), 136(3), 1-15

Ittonen, K., & Trønnes, P. C. (2015). Benefits and Costs of Appointing Joint Audit Engagement Partners. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 34(3), 23–46.

Ittonen, K., Vähämaa, E., & Vähämaa, S. (2013). Female Auditors and Accruals Quality. Accounting Horizons, 27(2), 205–228.