Plagiarism control
All Master's theses that are assessed at Hanken must pass a plagiarism control in a programme for plagiarism detection. The plagiarism control is carried out after you have uploaded your thesis to the elektronical form E-lomake.
The analysis report which is generated by the programme is a tool for the supervisor when it comes to detecting plagiarism. The programme cannot independently perform a plagiarism control - it is the supervisor who determines what is to be considered plagiarism or cheating.
A thesis written in English is plagiarism controlled in a programme called Turnitin. The pdf-file that you upload in the e-form should be of Adobe standard format for the plagiarism control in Turnitin. Please make sure that the pdf file is not protected with a password. You can check the compability by copying a part of your own pdf file - if it works and the text is readable Turnitin will be able to extract text of the document. You must upload your Master's thesis in the electronic form E-lomake, but it is the Office of Study Affairs that sends your thesis to Turnitin for plagiarism control.
On the electronic form E-lomake you should state whether or not you allow your thesis to be stored in the database of Turnitin in order to function as material for comparison when other written assignments are handed into Turnitin in the future. This protects your thesis from being plagiarized in the future.