Majors and Minors in Helsinki
OBS! Informationen på denna sida gäller endast studerande vid Hankens engelskspråkiga kandidatprogram Bachelor in Business. För information för studerande på det svenskspråkiga kandidatprogrammet, vänligen se denna sida på svenska. N.B.! This information only concerns students at Hanken's Bachelor in Business. |
Choosing your major
At the end of the first academic year of the Bachelor in Business programme, you will choose your major and minor subjects. Hanken offers support for this process through workshops and study counselling. As part of this process, you will finalise your study plan for your Bachelor's degree. The major you select at the end of your first year will apply to both your Bachelor's and Master's degrees.
In Helsinki you may choose one of the following majors:
Choosing your minor
As part of your Bachelor's degree, you will also complete at least one minor subject, consisting of a minimum of 25 ECTS.
In Helsinki, you may choose from the following minor subjects: