GODESS Institute Co-Directors

Meet our Co-Directors!



Project Leader, Management and Organisation, Hanken School of Economics

Dr. Charlotta Niemistö is Project Leader, Alone but connected? Digital (in)equalities in care work and generational relationships among older people living alone, a project under the JPI-umbrella and funded by the Academy of Finland.

Her research interests include questions around work/family reconciliation, work/non-work boundaries, coping at work, gender, age/generations, inequalities, and social and human sustainability.

email: charlotta.niemisto@hanken.fi

Jeff Hearn

Professor Emeritus, Management and Organisation, Hanken School of Economics

Senior Professor, Gender Studies, Örebro University;

Professor of Sociology, University of Huddersfield.

His current research focuses on gender, intersectionality, organisations, management, and transnational processes.

Jeff has been involved in many national, Nordic, EU and international research and policy projects, and is co-managing editor, Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality book series.

Latest books include:

  • Revenge Pornography (with Matthew Hall)
  • Engaging Youth in Activist Research and Pedagogical Praxis (co-ed, both Routledge, 2017)
  • Unsustainable Institutions of Men (co-ed, Routledge, 2020)
  • Age at Work: Ambiguous Boundaries of Organizations, Organizing and Ageing (with Wendy Parkin, Sage, 2020)

email: jeff.hearn@hanken.fi